I'm a simple girl and this is a simple blog about life, love, and a Gracious God.

Monday, October 19, 2009

New Blog!

i decided to start a blog separate from our family's so i could write about what's going on with me and also so that i can keep it up to date when i leave for college, etc. i'm really excited about what God has been doing lately in my life and i have an awesome GOD Story!
so, i've been praying and really hoping to be able to go on a mission trip to cambodia this february. i'd be going to rapha house, which is an organization that buys girls and women out of the sex trade and human trafficking, and then teaches them a new trade and about the redeeming love of Jesus Christ. cambodia is one of the largest countries for human trafficking because of the poverty and the corruption there. i really felt that GOD was leading me to go on this trip because mission work is my passion, and especially working with children. so, i sent in my application packet and was so excited because my youth minister (who i'm going with) was accepted. but, she talked to the lady at rapha house and they weren't sure if i was going to be able to go because of the limited number of spots. and i was really worried about that, and also about raising enough support. so, i was pretty frustrated with God and it became more about me, and less about Him. i was complaining to Him, instead of seeing that He is in control and knows exactly the right timing for everything. i just kept praying , "GOD please let me get to go on this trip. i don't understand why this wouldn't be good..." but then i realized, i wasn't praying the right thing and didn't have the right intentions. so, i was really humbled because i realized that GOD is in control and i needed to refocus on the fact that this trip is for His glory. after i realized this, i really dug into the Word and just prayed a lot. my heart truly changed, i knew that i wanted to go on this trip, but if God said no, i'd be okay with that. the very next morning, i found out that i was accepted for the trip! and, the support money for the first deadline just started to fall into place. i was so excited and also really humbled when i saw how GOD provides what we need, when we need it. not before, not after. that also applies to the lesson i needed to learn, about stepping aside and letting God take over.
God really is so good. I hope this blog can be a place where I can write about how I see Him at work in my life and the lives of people around me.
Jesus Loves You!

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