I'm a simple girl and this is a simple blog about life, love, and a Gracious God.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


we leave in a mere 15 hours for cambodia! i can't believe how GOD has worked in such miraculous ways to make this dream a reality. here's a few ways i have already seen Him at work:
*both my youth minister and i were accepted for the trip
*HE provided the finances needed through my job, other work opportunities, and an outpouring of generosity and love from His people
*prayer support from more people than i even realized
*donations of washcloths, soap, and other necessities for the girls from people who want to show Jesus' love across the ocean
*a peaceful and anxiety-free week leading up to our trip
*amazing leaders who have a heart for the broken and encouraging emails from them
*parents who are excited for this opportunity and trust that God will keep us safe
*a burning desire in my heart to make Him known and to help stop the injustice of human trafficking

i am so excited to see how God will continue to work in and through me during and after this trip. He is doing amazing work to free these girls from their bondage and restore them to a new life in Him.

prayer requests- your prayers make more of an impact than you could ever know. a few things to pray for: safety in travels, health (a few members of the team are sick), unity of our team, open hearts and minds for our team, open hearts of the girls, prayers for people currently in the sex trade, and for the workers at rapha house.

thank you so much for your support, love, and encouragement- GOD's people have surrounded us and shown us His love more than we ever could have expected.

i will blog when we get home in two weeks about all the ways God works! it's going to be amazing, eye-opening, and heart-breaking. In HIM, lilli

"the LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." --pslam 34:18

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