I'm a simple girl and this is a simple blog about life, love, and a Gracious God.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Good Morning, Sunshine

i hate (!) getting up in the morning. it has been even harder the past few weeks because i have been staying up later, and later each night. this morning though, takes the cake for one of the worst mornings ever. andy came into my bedroom when i was half awake and said, "lilli! what are you doing? it's 8:10!" (keep in mind we have to leave for school by 8:20) so, i jumped out of bed, thinking "if i can get ready in 20 mins. i'll only be a few mins. late." but...i had forgotten that i didn't have a car. i was supposed to ask someone to pick us up because the jeep's in the shop...but i didn't. so- i got ready in 10 minutes, and then proceeded to run to school with by backpack, 2 bags, and a winter coat. IN THE RAIN. (andy rode his moped.)

there's always a silver lining though right?
1. it makes a pretty funny story.
2. my first hour teacher is really nice and didn't count me tardy.
3. if the morning is really bad, you know the day can only get better!
4. i remembered to grab my lunch, so i got to have girl scout cookies and quesadillas for lunch.

crazy things like this happen to me all the time...who says God doesn't have a sense of humor? i hope that through seeing the bright side to funny situations and having a good attitude, people can see the Light in me!i hope that your day started out much better than mine, and we both finish it out well!

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