I'm a simple girl and this is a simple blog about life, love, and a Gracious God.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

yet again i log into blog and must begin with an apology. it has been about a month since my last post, but i promise i'm going to try to do better! well, it just so happens to be a thursday again and as i'm feeling kinda bogged down/stressed i think it would be good to list off some things i'm thankful for.
1. the sun came out today after many days of rain!
2. i'm thankful for sore muscles- "Boot Camp" workout class is exhausting, but as my mom reminded me, i should be thankful i am able to run/jump/exercise as many people are not.
3. i am thankful, yet again, for bryant. he's my best friend, the person i can tell anything to, and constantly challenges and encourages me.
4. ladies' Bible study-started up again this week and it is a great way to spend time in prayer and the Word. soooo good.
5. popsicles-delicious and great in the hot weather! :)
6. my dad- as father's day is this sunday, here are a few of the reasons i am so grateful for my dad: he is a man of God and a great example, constantly puts our family first, servant's heart, he loves my mom and is an example of a Christian dad/father to my brothers, has been there for me through everything, is always there to listen/help.

listing just a few of the things i am thankful for really helps put everything in perspective. suddenly the tiring day at work, lots of homework, and the busy schedule aren't such a big deal. God is the Big Deal. i need to do a much better job of living with my focus set on Him, instead of the little details of life. i need to stop being such a perfectionist. Thank goodness for Grace.

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