I'm a simple girl and this is a simple blog about life, love, and a Gracious God.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Life as I know it...

My life right now is so good and I feel amazingly blessed for all the ways God is working. I really, really intend to do a better job at blogging, but who knows how well that will go... A few things going on in my life right now:
*School- guess what? I changed my mind and am going into nursing! Crazy, stressful, good change! I'm doing pre-reqs at Hawkeye right now and then not sure where I'll be in the fall.
*I was able to speak at a human trafficking awareness event at UNI. It was really good and I feel like through all the "Freedom Week" events, God really opened peoples' eyes and broke our hearts for what breaks His. I can't wait to see how He will work through the Cedar Valley to bring change to the world.
*I am praying and thinking about starting a Bible Study at Hawkeye. I have been getting more involved in campus ministry and it has been awesome. But, I feel like we need more opportunities for Hawkeye students to do outreach. So, I am planning a human trafficking awareness event there and possibly starting a "Justice and Jesus" Bible study. Please pray that I would have vision and guidance to know exactly where He wants me to go with this.
* I am going to Orchard Hill Church and LOVE it! God brought me back to this church for a reason and it has been amazing. I have been going to the young adults' Sunday School and the "11:01 service" (for college students). I am amazed at all the ways He has brought people into my life to be an encouragement and a friend in such a short amount of time.
*I am going to SAN FRANNNN for a spring break mission trip! Can you tell i'm already excited??? we will be working with Youth With a Mission. I am excited to learn more about their "Because Justice Matters" mission. I can't wait to see how they are working in the red-light areas of San Fran and what God is doing.
*God has blessed me with an amazing serving opportunity lately. This summer, a few of us from OHC, went to a park on the East Side of Waterloo every Wednesday. We were able to build relationships with kids who often do not have a positive role model at home. Now, I have also been able to partner with a church down there through OHC, help serve at Picnic in the Park, and many other things. A few nights ago I was able to help with Child Care for an event at a local school. A couple and a few other people, started an organization to provide college educations for 17 African American boys. They have family meetings 4 times a year (that's why I was babysitting), mentors for all the boys, college visits, and help in school. It is an amazing project that has the capacity to change a generation of young people. Lastly, God has given me the opportunity to work with the Youth Art Team (). We have about 20 K-12 kids that we are teaching about loving others and serving through their gifts and talents.

Life is so good!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you are working with the group which has started the college fund and mentoring for the AA students. The group started at Cunningham and it was going very well when I retired. A great group of dedicated people!!! Thanks, Lilli!
