I'm a simple girl and this is a simple blog about life, love, and a Gracious God.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

On learning lessons...

I feel like I deserted my blog. I was doing so well with blogging...and then I disappeared. The last few weeks have been crazyyy. It's like I have so many things I could talk about, that I don't even know where to start. I am tired (and lazy!) so I think I will just fill you in on a few of the things I've learned this summer.
*God is good ALL the time.
*Putting on sunblock after being in the sun for a few hours...is counter-productive.
*Amish people can have Mastercards and wear New Balance shoes (what is this?! haha)
*It is OKAY to be honest with God and bold in prayer.
*I learned every muscle, bone, and organ system in the human body...
*Dissecting a cat is a lot easier if you don't look at it's face when you cut it open.
*(Borrowed from church service) Silence can be deadly in relationships with God and others.
*I learned how to really pray.
*The best way to make a table you are painting shiny is to roll of the paint and brush over with a regular paint brush.
*Sometimes you don't realize how important a person is to you (or you are to them) until you are leaving.
*Missing opportunities from God really stinks.
*But He forgives us.
*When people leave messages on your home phone- they can't hear you talking, even if you're in the same room! Crazy! ;)


  1. Sounds like an incredibly productive summer! Lots of valuable lessons learned.

  2. God expects me to keep trying, especially at the difficult things!
    Summer is too short when you teach summer school!
    Change is hard, but it's exciting too!
