I'm a simple girl and this is a simple blog about life, love, and a Gracious God.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I'm backkkk!

Hi-ya bloggy folks! I'm back! Long time, no...type? There's been a lot of changes and craziness going on in the last 6 weeks. I don't even know where to begin...how about letting you in on the 10 Best things here in IC? (My mom always taught me if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all, so we'll stick with just the best things! ;) )

Here goes...TOP 10 Best Things! (In no particular order....drum roll please....)
1. Amazing opportunities to meet Christians with a heart for the world, like me! I feel like everyone here speaks my "language"
2. Ghurtie's Frozen Yogurt!
3. Awesome restaurants to try out (there's Indian on every block!)
4. Interesting classes
5. Meeting new people
6. Being able to get something to eat/go to WalMart/etc. at any time of the day or night (and it's not a 30 minute drive!)
7. Cute little shops
8. Tons of thrift stores!
9. Lots of fun parks, bike trails, etc.
10. Finding a great church, getting plugged in right away,and finding God's purpose for me here!

I hope your school year is starting off well. When you're having one of "those" days, when everything seems dreary, try making a list of the top reasons why the place God has you right now is great! It really does change your view and makes you a little more thankful for the ways He's blessing you. So, what are some of the great things going on right now for you?! Let me know!

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