I'm a simple girl and this is a simple blog about life, love, and a Gracious God.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Nursing School!

I'm accepted to NURSING SCHOOL!!! And I'm SOOOO excited! :) I will be going to Allen College of Nursing in January 2012. What will I be doing until then, you ask? I'm going to be taking some classes at the community college I currently attend ( that will count off my program at Allen) and hopefully working as a CNA! What is so great about Allen???
1. It is where God has called me! He truly answered prayers and brought me to Allen!
2. It is in the neighborhood of Waterloo that is the most poverty stricken, has problems with drugs, gangs,etc- and I already have a huge heart for those people and volunteer down there all the time!
3. They have a GREAT program, affiliated with Allen Hospital.
4. It's a small campus, with great staff/facutly. One of the admissions advisors and a teacher, lead a Bible study with homeless women- that I also volunteer with! So cool!
5. There are lots of opportunities to work in free clinics and go on mission trips.
Wanna check out where I'll be? Go to: www.allencollege.edu to see pics and more!

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