I'm a simple girl and this is a simple blog about life, love, and a Gracious God.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

On reading the classics...

My dad has started reading the classics lately, and consequently motivated me to read some of the classic romance novels. So, yesterday I went to Barnes and Noble to pick out a few (they have buy two, get one free classics! :) ). I felt so dignified as I brought Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, and Wuthering Heights to the cash register. Like, I am a real reader...I don't read those silly little books that people try to pass off as true "literature". Now, some of my favorite books are Little Women and Gone With the Wind...BUT (shhhh don't tell anyone my big secret!)
for the most part I love funny, cute books, the kind that you know exactly what will happen as soon as you start reading them, but you read it anyway because it's fun. So, here's to broadening horizons and trying to enjoy books that are very different from what I normally read (and feeling very uppity doing it!) What are you going to read this summer?


  1. I started reading some classics when I got my Kindle. They're mostly all free! Enjoyed Pride and Prejudice, couldn't finish The Scarlet Letter. I also read Little Women for the first time. My goal is to read one classic per month.

  2. Jane Eyre is a FANTASTIC book!! I loved it :)

  3. Agreed with the Jane Eyre comment. You should try Northanger Abbey and Persuasion (Jane Austen) .. I have read all her books and they remain on my top 10 list.
